Tuesday, March 3

Staci's Exercise Journal!

On Sunday I was over at my friend Kelly's for a few hours. We had decided that we would make exercise journals. She had this sweet image and paper that I just had to borrow. I knew that Staci would love the paper as it looks like something a teenage would like.

This is the first time that I got to try some Whipper Snapper Stamps and I have to say that I just love them. They are so fun to color and are so whimsical. Great images.

I got to try out my new Cuttlebug alphabet that I got at a great bargain at our local hardware store. They are nomally $99 and I got them for $25. A great find indeed. I have always wanted a set but would never pay the money. This set is sweet, don't you think?

I have alot of fun making this and most of all Staci loved it so that made it for me. Hopefully she will use it though.

Today was a beautiful day here. Can't believe it was actually 11 degrees in March. A great break indeed. Maybe, just maybe we might get a Spring for a change. Living in Newfoundland we don't normally get a spring. Winter just goes right on through till May at least. A nice break today for sure. We can even see grass.

Hope you all are enjoying your week.

Will be back soon with another project.
Until then take care and enjoy yourself.


Basement Stamper said...

Very cute exercise journal, love the image!

kellygrl27 said...

Your journal is really cute. I'm feeling much better about our weather now. Over the weekend the high was 10, but yesterday it was 20, and today expected to be 30! I'd love to send you some warmth! Isn't it horrible when 30 degrees sounds like a heat wave! stay warm

Mona Pendleton said...

Very cute idea! I really like your journal cover!

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